Friday, January 20, 2006


omg hun!!! im doing u a favor so do NOT wait until the last minute to have me help your sorry ass out. i am a busy person, and have my own shit to do, i dont always have time for yours. i am not God, I cannot do everything for everyone. i need my sleep too. this is not my problem. i shouldve not helped u out and then see what u wouldve done. b.c ive done it before u except me to do it every time after huh? well u know what, one of these times im gonna tell u i dont have time unless u give me more than 12 hrs of notice. then we'll talk punk. give me more time than what u have been u piece of junk. ur just lucky its hard for me to say no. im a giving person but one time im gonna give u something else that u'd least expect. btw why dont u f*ing ask somelse to help u out too sometimes. oh wait, no body else will with the krazie ass hours u have going on for u. everyone else is sleeping by the time u finish and pass it along. u need to stop doing this b.c i just cannot take it. sometimes i just want to punch ur fuckin face it b.c u piss me off sooo much. im not perfect u know. i procrastinate too. i soo do not have time, especially now, to bail ur ass out every time all the time. bah! ur habits suck majorly!


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