Wednesday, May 17, 2006

mY futUre

i dont really think i'll have a future. ive im lucky i'll die tomorrow and never have to live another day again. but im sure i wont be so this is what i am predicting for future days of my pathetic life: life alone with 248703284 cats with "friends" who call me when its convenient for them aka meaning when everyone else is busy and they're "bored" or wutev or want something from me. everyone will be all married and shit with cute babies and families all around. then there will be sad me and i'll just get pity invites from them for holidays. my family is not big so i cannot depend on them always and i dont want to. they'll be doing their own thang. so i guess a nice tv dinner will do on x-mas and turkey day. cannot wait... woot! i dont want to be all alone and lonely but no joke, thats whats going to happen. i hyped my life up and now im on the downfall and reality of how shitty titty my life actually is. so cats, workaholid, along, sad, apartment = me. future here i come... damnit! kill me now, PLEASE!!
ps--i dont want pity either; i'd rather live this "life" than have pity invites left and right. im not that desperate. im just calling it like i see it!


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