Tuesday, April 04, 2006

bacK offF

can't u get a life. its over and done with. put a fork in it already. move on u sick bastard. all i want to do is send you my pity. its quite sad to see u still think there's hope. u grabing onto thin air. i knew u werent the brightest crayon in the box but this is just f*bomb rediculous. sometimes i wonder why i even associate with you, yet if nobody knew u as well as me, ppl would find u normal but in all actuality ur everything but normal u sad excuse for a homosapian! where did u come from? and how many times were u dropped on ur head? can i punch ur face in and tell u to get a life? and i hate it when u make me feel worthless! im not good enuf for u ever unless everyone else is busy. bah. sorry that i cant be #1 in ur book ever. i'll always be last. it makes me sad but i dont care. im glad u dont annoy me 24/7 though. its quite nice actuallly and very peaceful. i like being by myself. i dont have a prob bob with that but u sure as hell do. reality check needed plz waiter!


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