Friday, May 19, 2006


thats pretty much what i am--a bothersome. welll sorry! i dont mean to be an inconvenience and be a waste of ur time. you dont have to call me if ur busy. i dont care. ur with ur man, so dont mind me any. i know ur having like the best time of ur life right now, so dont feel like you HAVE to call me. dont worry bout it. we can break our talking everyday. thats totally kewl with me. i'd actually like it that way we'll just talk when we want to not b.c we're obligated to do so. i mean shit, u wake up and call me when u didnt think about it all day. yah i feel the luv hence why i didnt even answer. forget u. i dont need this shit. u say that he's not above me or wutev but in actuality he realy is b.c he does what i do plus a whole ton more. well sorry i am not a dude and cannot be with u like that. my bizzle. forgive me puh-lease. just dont call anymore. it'll be better for u especially when ur on vacation or watever u wanna call it. dont boggle down time to sit and chit chat with lil ol me. lame. i know i wouldnt want to call and chat when im having a gay ol time. dont give me a pity call. just dont call at all especially on his phone. he can just get hit by a bus along with you. i dont need u. i dont need either of u. fuck, i dont need anyone. i have gotten this far without anyone so i can deal now without anyone. its not like ya all really care anywayz. ive realized lately once again i cannot count on anyone. i just get screwed over. and when i need someone to talk to, nobody is there. u werent there when i wanted to talk. u were busy. thats totally fine. but it still hurts b.c u have somebody to be busy with and i know ur not doing it on purpose but everytime u mention his name i feel like ur rubbing it in my face that i have no one. yah that makes me feel special. i hate u right now. u call me and bad reception so i just hear like one word then u text me about callin me the next day. well thanx for trying later or using his phone then. 2 sec is i guess all im worth. and last nite u call at like 1am b.c u were sleeping with him. well u actually were sleeping but u were too busy earlier to call me so dont even try later on just so u can say u did try. admit it. u forgot to call me b.c u were having sooooo much fun with that pussy u call a boyfriend. yah i hate him. now im hating u too for forgetting me. thats what happened. and it sux b.c i wouldve forgotten me too but it makes it worse when u do it when everyone else is too. die bitches. i dont need u and i dont need this shit. rot in hell and leave me the fuck alone. sad thing is i'll try to forget this all happened and be all fine and dandy like cotton candy. but maybe i'll be too busy and we'll forget out everyday talks. they're a waste of time and minute anywayz. throw it out the window. maybe that'll make u think twice. i just want to be important to someone. not a bothersome inconvenient! sorry everyone for sucking at life. i'l just stick to myself this summer and do things for me b.c noone else is. have fun for me and do what i want. sounds gravy baby! gawd if i were anyone but him.... there's just something about him that makes me want to punch him in the face all the time!! he just a jerkface booger head that should cry like baby to his mama!


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