Friday, May 19, 2006


would i be a big bitch if i kept ignoring their phone calls or made some excuse not to talk or hang out??? do i hafta talk with them very long? i dont want to. they're pisses me off mucho lately. they are either in their own little bubble aka in a better world with me and/or they're too good for me and i dont want to hang with them anywayz. i just dont want to associate with them. i can make excuses for me rite? just because i havent done so in the past doesnt me anything right? im too tired to talk. im not feeling well. im gonna call it a night already. i have to work early tomorrow. i already have plans. im busy. im going to the Y. im haning out with my mom tonite. im going out of town. im on the other line. etc etc etc. i totally could make this work.... lets give it a shot. i'll call THEM when im not "busy"... i just dont feel like pretending with them anymore. it blowz ass weeds....


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