Wednesday, February 01, 2006

motheR gonE pathetiC

i just wish that things went my way all the time, just like im sure everybody else. i just hate how ppl run their lives. i hate how my mom runs her sad pathetic life. its so sick its not even funny. how lame is she. she cannot even take care of herself. i hope she just dies b/c she's just draggin me and bro down. shes worthelss and a lazy piece of shit. oh and im supposed to feel bad b/c she's depresssed or w/e. well ya know what i dont b/c i work my ass off but i cannot do what i want w/ all my money b/c i hafta help her ass out. i make more than her.. shit she only works 2 days a fuckin' week. im embarassed by her. i wish i was born into a different family. i hate having to carry her around. im sick of it and dont wanna do it anymore. i used to give her rides like everyday and waste my gas and id pay for it too b/c she's too poor which is fine but thats totally not fair. its not my fault she's stupid and has 6 garages and got behind on her bills. its pathetically sad how her mind works.. actually i dont. she got evicted and now is making my life a living hell. shes no good to anyone. bah. b/c of her we're doing illegal activity and she gives ME advices and expects me to take it. yah look at u and ur life. uh i dont think so. ur thinkin' is so fucked up. i just dont get it. leave me the fuck alone. ur illegal and homeless. ur pathetic and sad. i hate how u have no home, car, job, or anything for that matter. nobody else hasta deal w/ shit like this. so why the fuck do i? its embarassing. just die already b/c ur a waste of oxygen.