Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what a faggot!!

what a fucking faggot! i seriously hate that fuckin' dude. he is such a selfish, conceited, heartless fag!!! he does not even care about who he hurts. he just is rude and inconsiderate. if he was here, boy o boy, i would give him a piece of my mind along with a kick in the ballz, if he has any, and a few punches to knock his lights out. what a jerk. she is way too good for him. why does he have to make it soooo diffficult for her and not even give a shit. what a fucker. i just want to hurt him. hopefully he'll be out of her life for good now. what a jerk i just cannot even take it. good riddence is all i have to say. goddamn it, i cannot believe he is being like this... bah! ive always hated him and now i have more of a reason even tho he wasnt a bitch fuck to me, well he was, but he did it to her now too.. grrrr. somebody should teach him a lesson b.c u dont treat ppl like that. can i beat the shit out of him??? please???


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