Thursday, May 25, 2006

craPPy friEND

you suck at being a friend. you're like the worst friend ever even. i mean u have to tell ur girlfriend to ask me if u could stay with me... how lame. i mean you could call me urself. shit u even told me you'd be in town wed and surprise surprise ur still with the girlfriend with her eventho u've been with her for like a week and a half already but wutev. you just fuckin' suck and im glad im workin nights so you cant stay with me. i didnt want u to anywayz. u'd prolly only stay b.c u feel obligated anywayz. mainly b.c u didnt say goodbye when u moved a couple weeks ago. i mean u might want to but prolly b.c its be so unkewl if you didnt. ur such a jerk it makes me sick to my stomach. u put ur girlfriend ahead of everyone else and when it comes down to it, u forget about the rest of us--mainly me. then when u hear from her that i may be busy (b.c u dont call urself to let me know whats going on), you make it sound like u want to stay with me... but of course it would've been only for one night b.c im not good enuf but only for that. way to do it in front of her too to make it sound like u care. i mean im her best friend so why not try to score some brownie points u fucker! dont expect me to hang out with u when u get here. u wont be here that long anywayz b.c u chose to stay with her even longer because u truly are one pathetic sick fuck. friends first but not in ur book and i sooo dont appreciate that. i call her last nite but only b.c ur still there. yah, i feel special. i lost two friends b.c of u. and im 2nd in both ur books if even that high up on the scale. i dont need any pity invites or calls or "i want to stay with u for a night when im in town" crap. thats bs and i dont want any of it. ur a crappy friend who cant keep in touch and u took my bestfriend away b.c she forgets me when ur there even tho she wont say it. i hate both of u. im alone and by myself once again to fend against the world and to survive. i have no one. i thought i had at least one person for a while until u came in the picture. ur a shitty friend and i dont want nothing to do with you. just send me a wedding invitation and maybe i'll show up. and hopefully that'll be the only time i see u again. u suck at life and are a shitty titty friend. bah to u. i hope u break up and realize u have no one b.c u ditched them all for her. when u say jump, dont expect me to say how high which is how u were playin the game. those arent the rulez in my world, in my life, and in my game. u abide by my rules. dont go making ur own u bastard two-faced piece of shit who i dont want anything to do with. weddin' invite and i'll be content. last and only time i'll see u again--hopefully...


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