Wednesday, May 24, 2006

doesnt both me none

ever since graduation, we havent really talked much. not at all really. i mean i had finals week and shit and then u went on ur trip. it happens, but im not gonna lie, im not too torn about it. its actually kinda nice not to "hafta" do something every day. i mean i luv talking to u everyday but it does get to be a hassle sometimes. i mean some dayz im just soo tired and exhausted i dont wanna talk and thats when i feel obligated to call... but it doesnt help either that when u were with him on ur vacation or w/e i sooo didnt want to talk to u. not only b.c i didnt want to interupt anything but also u called late anyway and we always doin shit. so no i totally dont wanna converse with you when ur done having a blast and feel the need to call. no. just dont bother. u were having fun, dont let me ruin it. u only called b.c we talk everyday but u didnt want to. i know u didnt. shit i wouldnt have wanted to. i dont need ur pity. and i dont need u to rub it in my face eventho i know u werent doing it on purpose. u have a boyfriend. i dont. u were traveling to places down south--which i have never been. you were having fun. i was working. u were with the man u luv. i was working (60 hrs mind u). so just dont bother with me. u dont need me. u and him will be together for the rest of ur life. i just know it. ur perfect together. blah blah blah, dont boggle down with lil old friend me back here in this hole of a town. just forget me. i just bring rain on ur parade. and i especially didnt want to talk to u when u called on his phone b.c ur phone wasnt working or had bad reception or wutev. i didnt want to answer eventho i knew it was u. then when i called to talk to u on his phone, u didnt even talk to me. he talked. WTF?! i didnt want to talk to him. hell no. what a jerkoff. so that made me mad. i just heard a hello from u and thats it and just him blab. gawd. it just maybe better off if we dont talk everyday. no joke. and of course u call me and say something heart warming when he's sleeping. gee thanx. 2nd in line again. kewl kewl. i know i wouldve done the same thing b.c u were busy when he was up and doing things with ya. but its a slap in the face still. and of course when he leaves u'll wanna talk. well no. maybe i'll pass. i can have friends too. maybe not a boyfriend like u, but my friends are special/important too. this trip pissed me off like no other. i dont even want to think about it. vomit... *spew*


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