Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ur not my friends, u suck!

i hate them all. geezumz fuckin' christ. they talk about how we should hang out and that im funny and fun to hang out with blah blah blah. but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they hang out with each other and a couple other ppl and dont even fuckin' call me. what a bunch of hoe bitches. thanx so much considering i was one of ur closer friends. u all can be pricks together. i dont even really like haning with u all anywayz. ur kinda lame and boring when ur not obsessing about u know who. u make me sick. both of u. one more than the other b.c she's a manipulating freak a zoid. she never was really my friend. she's just out for herself and doesnt care about anyone else. she just wants the juice on everything and rub it in others faces. she's a bitch. they are both bitches. i dont wanna hang out with them ever again. yah say u hafta work a lot, well u have time for other friends, so dont even play that game with me. why the hell do u hafta transfer here. son of a bitch, go back to where u've been going. oh wait, u were a bitch there too and they dont like u anymore. sux to be u but maybe that should tell u something. that u suck at life. dont call me ever again b.c i wont answer. especially dont call me while she's in town this coming weekend b.c that would be way bitchy of u b.c u just want the details and/or hear her side of the story of her break up with the guy uve been in luv with forever. ur a sick fuck. i hope u get hit by a BIG bus!!! i hate u all. ur not my friends and its really sad that i actually thought u were. dont call ever again not like u do now anywayz but dont even think its all good in the hood. u all suck at life!!


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